
Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio eShopWorld

Our service allows you to track the parcel of eShopWorld or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados eShopWorld

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
In transit En tránsito
Out for Delivery Fuera para entrega
In Transit En tránsito
Attempted delivery Intento de entrega
In Transit to Destination Country En camino al país destinado
Return to Sender Devolver al remitente
Attempted Delivery Intento de entrega
Customs Released -
Released - ID Details received -
Departed International Hub -
Packages Details Received – Awaiting Dispatch -
General Update -
Arrived Destination Region/Country -
Pending customs release -
Departed Origin Country -
Arrived International Hub -
Pending ID Details -