DTDC India

Empresa de mensajería



Seguimiento de envio DTDC India

Our service allows you to track the parcel of DTDC India or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados DTDC India

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
Flight Departure Salida del vuelo
Out for Delivery Fuera para entrega
Arrived Hub Hub llegado
Picked up Recogido
Released from customs Liberado de la aduana
In Transit to Destination en tránsito a destino
Sorted to Destination Clasificados por Destino
Documentation Prepared Documentación preparada
Flight Arrival Llegada del vuelo
Released from Customs Liberado de la Aduana
On Hold - Required Consignee ID/Tax Number En espera: número de identificación / impuesto del destinatario obligatorio
Shipment Finalised Envío finalizado
Pickup Rescheduled Recogida reprogramada
Departed Facility Instalación Partida
Shipment Returned to Sender Envío devuelto al remitente
On Hold - In Branch En espera - En sucursal
Customs processing Procesamiento de aduanas
Picked Up Recogido
Pickup Arranged -
Awaiting Customs Clearance En espera de despacho de aduanas
Held in Branch -
Released from Freight Solutions -
Customs Processing -
Delayed Airline Departure due to Pandemic Restrictions -
On Hold - additional paperwork -
In Transit Delay -
Delivery Attempted - Unavoidable Delay -
Pickup Requested -
Attempted Delivery - Rescheduled Delivery -
KYC Information Updated -
Delivery Attempted - Consignee Refused -
Awaiting KYC Validation -
KYC info validated -
On Hold - offloaded by airlines due to space issue -
On Hold for KYC -
Delivery Attempted - Unsuccessful: Other Reasons -