Deltec Courier

Empresa de mensajería


Seguimiento de envio Deltec Courier

Our service allows you to track the parcel of Deltec Courier or any parcel from China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong.

Also track your package from AliExpress, TAOBAO, Ebay, JD.COM and other popular online stores.

Estados Deltec Courier

Estado Traducción al es
Delivered Entregado
Out for Delivery Fuera para entrega
Scheduled for Delivery Programado para entrega
Arrived Hub Hub llegado
Released from customs Liberado de la aduana
In Transit to Destination en tránsito a destino
Info Message Sent to Recipient Mensaje de información enviado al destinatario
Sorted to Destination Clasificados por Destino
Offer Information Received from Consignee Información de oferta recibida del destinatario
SMS sent to receiver with delivery advice SMS enviado al destinatario con aviso de entrega
Offer Sent to Consignee Oferta enviada al destinatario
Documents Received for Customs Clearance Documentos recibidos para despacho de aduana
Documentation Prepared Documentación preparada
Shipment Departed Temporary Storage Facility -
In Transit To Destination -
Released from Customs Liberado de la Aduana
On Hold - Required Consignee ID/Tax Number En espera: número de identificación / impuesto del destinatario obligatorio
Shipment Finalised Envío finalizado
Collection Colección
Additional Paperwork Required for Clearance Papeleo adicional requerido para la autorización
On Hold - Customs - Pending Duty & Tax Payment En espera - Aduana - Pendiente pago de derechos e impuestos
On Hold - Awaiting Pickup by Consignee -
On Hold - Customs - Awaiting Customs Clearance -
In Transit - Remote Location -
Held in Depot - Oversize -
Reschedule Response Message Received from Recipient -
In Transit - Delayed Linehaul -
Attempt to Contact Consignee Failed -
Message Sent to Recipient -
Shipment Returned to Sender Envío devuelto al remitente
Shipper/Receiver Initiated Shipment Detail Change -
Return In Progress Retorno en curso
Attempted Delivery - No One Available/Home -
On Hold - Requires Correct Telephone Number -
Message Response Received from Recipient -
Arrived Hub - Alternate Delivery Point -
On Hold - Consignment requires repackaging -
Attempted Delivery - Inaccurate / Incomplete Address -
Not Delivered - Held Awaiting Instructions -
On Hold - Delivery Needs To Be (Re)Scheduled For/With Consignee -
ID Not Provided by Consignee -
Due to Unforeseen Circumstances Delivery is Rescheduled for Next Working Day -
Self-Collection Arranged -
Not Delivered - Rescheduled Delivery -
On Hold - Pending Customs Inspection En espera: inspección de aduanas pendiente
No Further Details Expected -
Shipment Details Created Detalles de envío creados
On Hold - In Branch En espera - En sucursal
Shortlanded -
Attempted Delivery - Unable to Locate Consignee -
Attempted Delivery - Customer Refused Shipment -
Delayed Linehaul Departure -
Pickup Arranged -
Attempted Delivery - Unable to Access Permisses -
Shipment Returned to Sending Station -
On Hold - Consignee to Pay Charges -
On Hold - Consignee Has Not Collected The Shipment - Awaiting Instructions -
Customer Contacted -
On Hold - Customs - Misdeclared -
On Hold - Customs - Inaccurate Paperwork -
On Hold - Requires Commercial Invoice -
On Hold - Customs - Quarantined -
CS - Awaiting collection by consignee -
On Hold - Prohibited/Restricted Goods -
Not Delivered - Rescheduled by Customer -
Not Delivered - Consignee Scheduled Delivery -
Shipment destroyed -
On Hold - Customs Processing - Missing Paperwork -
Customs Duties Paid -